Standard Vibrator
Standard Vibrator
Uras Vibrators: The Benchmark in Vibrating OR Vibration Equipment

A Uras Vibrator uses the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of unbalance weights attached on both ends of the shaft of an induction motor.

The resulting vibration is extremely harmful to the vibration motor.

Uras Vibrators have reduced this unwelcome vibration with advanced technology and are used around the world in large cities and in remote deserts alike, for everything from the handling of new materials to mining applications.

You can use our vibrators
under a wide variety of weather conditions.

  1. Unique vibration-resistant construction enables long service life and maintenance-free operation.
    Compact models use oilless bearings.
  2. Models ranging from 2 to 8 poles support a wide range of needs.
    A variety of applications are supported with small, medium, and large vibration.
  3. A wide product lineup enables selecting the best model.
  4. A compact size and flexible installation orientation.
  5. The KEE Uras Vibrator is certified under the CSA standards or CE marking. (option)
Standard Specifications
Power supply 230/460V 60Hz, 380V 50Hz, 415V 50Hz, 525V 50Hz, 575V 60Hz
Time rating Continuous rating
Thermal class Class E insulation
Protection structure Totally enclosed models: IP66 (JIS C 0920)
Totally enclosed, fan-cooled models: IP55 (JIS C 4034-5)
Enclosed cable 2PNCT (4-core) x 2 m
Wire sizes: 0.75, 1.25, 2, 5.5, 8, or 14 mm²
The KEE-0.5-2C has a 1m cable,
and the SEE-0.5-2C has a 2-core 1m cable.
Installation method Frame leg installation (at any installation angle)
For vertical or inclined installation, however,
the vibrator must be installed
so that the terminal box is on the top.
Coating color Munsell 2.5PB5/2
Installation location Indoors and outdoors
Installation environment Ambient and installation base temperature: −15 to 40℃
Altitude: 1,000 m max.
Relative humidity: 85% max. with no condensation
*Tropical proofing is provided as a standard feature.
Two Poles
Model Maximum
vibrating force
Output (kW)
KEE-0.5-2CW 0.5 0.040
KEE-1-2CW 1 0.075
KEE-2-2CW 2 0.15
KEE-3.5-2BW 3.5 0.25
KEE-6-2BW 6 0.40
KEE-10-2BW 10 0.75
KEE-16-2W 16 1.2
KEE-23-2W 23 1.7
KEE-30-2W 30 2.2
KEE-40-2W 40 3.0
Number of revolutions (i.e., vibrations)
in synchronous operation
3,600r/min (60Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 60Hz
3,000r/min (50Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 50Hz
Four Poles
Model Maximum
vibrating force
Output (kW)
KEE-1.5-4BW 1.5 0.065
KEE-3-4BW 3 0.13
KEE-6-4BW 6 0.25
KEE-9-4BW 9 0.40
KEE-12-4BW 12 0.60
KEE-17-4W 17 0.85
KEE-24-4W 24 1.1
KEE-34-4W 34 1.5
KEE-52-4BW 52 2.2
KEE-75-4BW 75 3.7
KEE-84-4CW 84 5.5
KEE-110-4W 110 7.5
Number of revolutions (i.e., vibrations)
in synchronous operation
1,800r/min (60Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 30Hz
1,500r/min (50Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 25Hz
Six Poles
Model Maximum
vibrating force
Output (kW)
KEE-3-6W 3 0.20
KEE-5-6W 5 0.35
KEE-9-6BW 9 0.60
KEE-13-6BW 13 0.85
KEE-18-6BW 18 1.2
KEE-24-6CW 24 1.6
KEE-34-6W 34 2.2
KEE-45-6BW 45 3.0
KEE-60-6BW 60 3.7
KEE-80-6CW 80 5.5
KEE-110-6W 110 7.5
KEE-140-6W 140 9
KEE-165-6W 165 11
KEE-185-6W 185 13
Number of revolutions (i.e., vibrations)
in synchronous operation
1,200r/min (60Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 20Hz
1,000r/min (50Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 16.7Hz
Eight Poles
Model Maximum
vibrating force
Output (kW)
KEE-5-8W 5 0.40
KEE-10-8BW 10 0.75
KEE-20-8BW 20 1.5
KEE-32-8W 32 2.2
KEE-54-8BW 54 3.7
KEE-85-8W 85 6.0
KEE-110-8BW 110 7.5
KEE-135-8BW 135 9
KEE-170-8BW 170 11
Number of revolutions (i.e., vibrations)
in synchronous operation
900r/min (60Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 15Hz
750r/min (50Hz vibration)
for power supply frequency of 12.5Hz
CSA Standards (option)
KEE Uras Vibrators have received certification for CSA mark.
Class 421101-Motors and Generators.
CE Marking (option)
Uras Vibrators with 2 to 8 poles and a maximum vibrating force of 3 kN or higher have been approved for CE Marking. This does not apply to the KEE-84-4CW, KEE-110-6W, and KEE-85-8W.
Some models may not be compliant depending on the power supply, voltage, or frequency. For details, contact your Uras Techno representative.
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For phone inquiries,
contact Tokyo Sales Office.
Tokyo Sales Office: +81-3-3254-6101