Flange-type Vibrator
Flange-type Vibrator
Wide Range of Applications with Special Vibration

The Uras KEEV Vertical Vibrators, which are also referred to as Flange-type Vibrators, were developed for circular vibrating screening.

KEEV Vibrators produce an optimal three-dimensional vibration for circular vibrating screening by controlling the vertical eccentric moment and phase angle.

  1. Three-dimensional vibration using one vibrator.
Standard Specifications
Continuous rating Three-phase, 200/200/220 V, 50/60/60 Hz
KEEV Vibrators
Model Output (kW) Maximum vibrating force (kN)
Flange side Counter-flange side
KEEV-7-4 0.4 4.4 2.7
KEEV-15-4 0.85 10.4 4.9
KEEV-20-4 1.2 14.1 6.4
KEEV-8-6 0.35 5.0 3.1
KEEV-16-6 0.85 11.0 5.3
KEEV-22-6 1.2 15.4 7.0
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