Flip-flow Screen
Flip-flow Screen
The Jumping Screen with Strong Resistance to Moisture and Clogging.

Materials are screened by pulling and loosening urethane screen mats.

  1. The wave motion of the mats prevents clogging.
  2. Moist materials can be easily screened.
    Moist materials can be easily screened because the wave motion of the mats make the material on the mat fly up high, reverse direction, break up, and disperse.
Waste materials ... Urban garbage, construction waste materials, mixed wood scraps, house demolition debris, etc.
Compost ... Garbage, compost, poultry and cattle manure, sewage sludge etc.
Steelmaking materials ... Iron ore, sintered ore, coal, coke, slag, etc.
Sand, gravel, and
crushed stone
... Concrete waste, recovered casting sand, crushed stone, muck, etc.
Standard Specifications
Separation diameter 0.3mm〜40mm
Moisture 0% to 60% (Depends on the physical properties of the
material and the percentage of micro-powder contained)
Maximum particle size 60mm
Screen area 1〜18m²
Number of decks 1 or 2
Equipment power 2.7〜55kW
Processing capacity Max 1200T/H
For phone inquiries,
contact Tokyo Sales Office.
Tokyo Sales Office: +81-3-3254-6101