Shake-out machine
Shake-out machine
Vibro Shakeout Machine: High-efficiency, Direct-drive, Linear Vibration with Cast-molded Formwork

The Vibro Shakeout Machine is constructed using two rows of Uras Vibrators with the shafts of the Vibrators directly linked to each other and directly mounted to the grates.

The flask on the grates is vibrated vertically and with great force, efficiently removing any sand (effective shake-out).

  1. High-efficiency shake-out with direct vertical vibration.
  2. Stable vibration using multiple vibrators mounted at various points.
  3. Easy maintenance.
Casting shake-out.
Standard Specifications
Model Table dimensions
(mm x mm)
Height (mm) Uras Vibrator
(kW) x Number of Vibrators
KD-100-150 1250 × 1750 400 0.85 × 2〜4
KD-150-150 1800 × 1800 500 1.1 × 2〜4
KD-150-200 1800 × 2300 500 1.5 × 4〜6
KD-150-250 1800 × 2800 550 1.5 × 4〜6
KD-200-200 2300 × 2300 550 2.2 × 4〜6
KD-200-250 2300 × 2800 600 2.2 × 4〜6
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contact Tokyo Sales Office.
Tokyo Sales Office: +81-3-3254-6101